
Radius Installation

A few months ago, rAndom International was commisioned to develop a site specific light installation for the lounge at London’s membership club Home House.

The installation is a sound-reactive media installation that plays with the light emitted by spatially arranged light sources. Where a commonly flat arrangement of LEDs would be conceived as a display with a resolution too low to establish image, text or pattern, Amplitude is actually home to a large number of individually controlled light sources on a y-axis. The introduction of a third dimension to the traditional concept of a display turns the piece into a vivid part of the space and emphasises the fact that the piece is a light installation rather than a display; the algorithm controlling the emittance of light creates a living organism that can be detected in the shadows that the installation casts on itself.

Light Me Black

“Light Me Black” by Monica Bonvicini. You can see this installation at the Galerie Max Hetzler in Berlin, from this Friday on. The opening is part of the Gallery Weekend Berlin. If you’re around make sure to go and see Ariel Schlesingers exhibition at Galerija Gregor Podnar too.


Landschaft Mit Haus

Paintings and title by Maria Zaikina


The Raftman's Razor by Keith Bearden



Rookshow from Gino Bud Hoiting on Vimeo.

Flat Eric, he is back!

WHERE'S THE MONEY GEORGE ? from oizo mr on Vimeo.

Delhi Police Special Protection Cell for Women & Children: Child Labour

“Set him/her free. Call -1291. A Delhi Police initiative to abolish child labour.”

Advertising Agency: Rediffusion Y&R, Gurgaon, India
Creative Director: Ajay Ahluwalia
Art Director: Manu Gupta
Copywriter: Dushyant Pal Singh
Illustrator: Manu Gupta
Additional credits: Atanu Deb, Pawan Bhatt
Published: November 2009